Program Coordinator
Becky Parish (4th from left in center) celebrated 12 years as the Program Coordinator at Angel’s House in January 2019. Becky has been employed with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc. for 29 years.
Kaye Todd (far right), has been Administrative Assistant at Angel’s House for 9 years. Kaye has worked/ministered with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc. for 11 years.
Our Direct Care Staff are The V's - Erik (3rd from left) and Angela Vielhaber (far left). DCS are live-in “parents” for 7 days/24 hours per day on a weekly rotating basis. The Vs have been with Angel’s House since 2009. Employed at GBCH& FM since 2005.
Our newest Direct Care Staff are Minisha Spooney (5th from left) and Heather Axt (2nd from left) - both joined our team in 2019!