The RUN FOR ANGELS has been our annual fundraiser since its inception in 2003. All proceeds go to the operation of our shelter for teenage girls.
Our course is certified as PEACHTREE ROAD RACE QUALIFIER, so the RUN FOR ANGELS is a highly respected and well-attended event attracting hundreds of participants from all over the southeast!
S2F professionally manages our race using the latest RFID disposable start and finish chip-timing technology to ensure the most accurate instant finish times possible! These precise times will be displayed on a flat screened television at the finish line. This system will also allow us to prepare for our awards ceremony quickly! Your race times will be emailed to you and will be available on our website!
* Late registration and early packet pick-up for registered runners and walkers is Friday before the race
12:00pm - 6:00pm at First United Methodist Parish Hall, 33 Greenville Street in Downtown Newnan.
For safety reasons absolutely no pets on the course or in the Parish Hall! Thank you for understanding!
Races begin and end on Greenville Street next to Newnan First United Methodist Church and run through historic downtown Newnan, GA. See course map here.
10K and 5K: Awards for overall M/F finishers and overall M/F Masters finishers
1st, 2nd & 3rd place finishers in the following age groups:
10 & under; 11-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74, 75 & over.
Run T-shirts guaranteed for all runners who preregister by January 17th.
Schools, organizations and companies are encouraged to register as a group for the Run for Angels. Show your team spirit! A prize will be awarded to the top team with the most participation. You must join your team when registering.
We strive to stage a quality athletic event by continuing to improve our race each year. Many committed volunteers are already actively involved in preparing for this year's race. We are so grateful for all of the “angels” who support our run by being participants, volunteering time, offering services, or making in-kind or monetary donations! So, BE AN ANGEL, and mark your calendar! Contact us at run@theangelshouse.org to volunteer race weekend!
Our sponsorship chairs would love to hear from you about being a sponsor!
100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to Angel’s House as the run itself is fully sustained by participants’ entry fees. Please click here Sponsorship Form for details about our sponsorship levels and benefits. Thank you so much for your consideration and support!
Additional Run for Angels event questions should be directed to our Run Chairs at run@theangelshouse.org
9:30 AM-12:00PM Drive thru or pick up from Parish Hall
Tickets are $17.50 and include chicken, two sides, bread, homemade dessert and a drink. Purchase tickets from a board member.